Why You Should Avoid Tree Topping
Beware of Tree Topping?
Tree topping is the practice of cutting back large portions of the tree’s mature branches, in attempts to shorten a tree. What was once a common practice, is now deemed hazardous to the tree’s health, and for the people and property surrounding the tree. Lately, it seems that people are reverting back to topping trees, unknowingly creating a hazardous tree in the process. There are several reasons why you shouldn’t top a tree and there are alternatives available to prevent such practice.
“Topping large trees: Crime Against Nature” -Alex L. Shigo
Why You Should Avoid Tree Topping
- Starving the tree: Removing a majority of the tree’s crown removes the tree’s ability to make food through photosynthesis in the leaves.
- Shock: Removal of the tree’s protective canopy exposes the innermost part of the tree to full sun and can cause scalding.
- Disease and decay: Fresh cuts increase the risk for insects and diseases that can infect the tree.
- Rapid new growth: In attempts to increase the tree’s food source, the tree will increase branch growth with small sprouts that may grow just as high as before.
- Weak limbs: The new branch growth, or sprouts, are weakly attached and have an increased risk of breaking.
- Increased risk for storm damage: Thicker growth of sprouts create a top heavy tree that has an increased risk for storm damage. Wind can’t blow through the thick growth as it would if it was left alone or properly pruned, causing a parachute effect. Also, there is an increased risk of branches breaking due to poor attachment strength.
- If tree topping doesn’t kill the tree, it has the potential to regain its original height with the weak limbs.
Alternatives to Tree Topping
An alternative to topping a tree would be proper pruning. Contact your local tree company or arborist as they will know how to properly prune the tree to reduce the crown, preserving the health and safety of the tree. Another alternative would be to remove the tree and plant a different type that is more suitable to the space. Preventatively, proper planning when planting a tree is important. Be aware of the mature size of the tree you are planting and the surrounding structures that may interfere with its growth, such as buildings and power lines. If you want your tree to be healthy, safe, and last for years to come, avoid topping it!
Shigo, Alex. Tree Pruning, A Worldwide Photo Guide. Shigo and Trees, Associates, 1989.
Cotrone, Vincent. “Tree-Topping: The Cost is Greater Than You Think.” PennState Extension, 6 November 2022, https://extension.psu.edu/tree-topping-the-cost-is-greater-than-you-think
“Bulletin #8: Don’t Top Trees!” Arbor Day Foundation, https://www.arborday.org/programs/treecityusa/bulletins/summaries/008.cfm
“Why Topping Hurts Trees.” International Society of Arboriculture, 2021, https://www.treesaregood.org/Portals/0/TreesAreGood_Why%20Topping%20Hurts_0321.pdf