Want a Healthy Tree? Avoid the Mulch Volcano.
Improper Mulching Can Harm Your Trees
Mulch around your tree provides an ideal environment for your tree to thrive, if done properly. It allows for moisture retention, temperature control, and prevents soil erosion. Mulch is also a great way to protect the trunk from hazards, such as a lawn mower or weed trimmer. Unfortunately, when mulch is applied improperly, it is very harmful to the tree.
Many people think more is best when it comes to mulch, but that is not the case. The recommended depth of mulch is 2-3 inches to provide optimal benefits, but mulch should never touch the trunk of the tree if you want to prevent these issues:
Rot & Decay
Mulch piled around the trunk of the tree can create excess moisture that cannot escape. This can lead to fungus, rot and decay, which will kill your tree.
Girdling Roots
Mulch around the trunk of the tree can confuse the tree into thinking that it is dirt and the tree will start growing roots in the mulch. These roots tend to grow in a circular direction around the base of the tree, potentially cutting off transportation of water and nutrients that are vital to the tree’s health. Also, as the mulch dries in the hot summer months, the roots will suffer.
How to Properly Mulch Around a Tree
Think of a doughnut when you are mulching around a tree vs a volcano. Place 2-3 inches of mulch around the tree leaving about 3 inches of open space around the trunk of the tree. This allows the root flare to be open to fresh air, which is very important. If you want a healthy tree, avoid mulch volcanoes!
“How to Properly Apply Mulch.” City of Maple Grove, Minnesota. https://www.maplegrovemn.gov/DocumentCenter/View/1996/How-to-apply-mulch-around-trees-PDF
Feather, Sandy. “Mulch Volcanoes Are Erupting Everywhere!” Penn State Extension, 19 July 2018. https://extension.psu.edu/mulch-volcanoes-are-erupting-everywhere.
Cue, Kathleen. “Mulch Volcanoes – A Harmful Practice for Trees.” Nebraska Extension in Dodge County. https://extension.unl.edu/statewide/dodge/mulch-volcanoes-a-harmful-practice-for-trees/.